

i your presently my

Trading Program


SOO GOOD ! Change for The Best in Investment in borse for the Best strategics !


My Trading Program your request just 5 minuts of work by an half hour !



To your of choice the product in borse that your are go trade ;


_Currency (classics)

_First Material (come OIL, GOLD, Diamond, ....)




Selected the Program of Trading of your choice and go of reussit in success financial !


Semenal 1 !
100USD divided by 1 times = 100 USD same platform
With authorization 5 % 100 USD = USD 5 per trade
By (6 x 5 successful trade USD) + ( 6 x 70 trade gain % 5 USD) = 51 USD gain per half hour per account.
= 51USD per half hour in all accounts.
By trading day = 7:00 ( 7:00 x 51 USD ) = $ 357 per day.
By trading 5 days a week = ( 357USD x 5 days) = 1785 USD .


Semenal 2 !
300USD account divided by 3 times 1 times = 100 USD same platform
With authorization 5 % 100 USD = USD 5 per trade
By (6 x 5 successful trade USD) + ( 6 x 70 trade gain % 5 USD) = 51 USD gain per half hour per account.
( 51 USD x (3 )) = $ 153 per half-hour in all accounts.
7:00 by trading day = ( x 7:00 153 USD ) = $ 1,071 per day.
By trading 5 days a week = ( 1071 USD x 5 days) = 5355 USD .


Semenal 3 !
600USD account divided by 3 times 2 times = 100 USD same platform
With authorization 5 % 100 USD = USD 5 per trade
By (6 x 5 successful trade USD) + ( 6 x 70 trade gain % 5 USD) = 51 USD gain per half hour per account.
( 51 USD x (3 x2 )) = $ 306 per half-hour in all accounts.
7:00 by trading day = ( x 7:00 306 USD ) = $ 2,142 per day.
By trading 5 days a week = ( 2142 USD x 5 days) = 10710 USD .


Semenal 4 !
5000USD divided by 5 times 5 times same platform account = 200 USD
With an authorization 5% = 200 USD 10 USD per trade
By (6 successful trade 10USD x ) + ( 6 x 70USD trade gain ) = 102 USD gain per half hour per account.
( 102USD x (5x5 )) = 2550USD per half hour in all accounts.
By trading day = 7:00 ( 7:00 2550USD x ) = $ 17,850 per day.
By trading 5 days a week = ( 17850USD x 5 days) = 89250USD .


Semenal 5 !
50000 USD divided by 2 times the method = 25000 usd
50000USD divided by 5 times 5 times the same account platform = 1000 USD
With permission 700 USD = 70 USD per trade
By (6 successful trade 70USD x ) + ( 6 x trade gain 70% 70USD ) = 714 USD gain per half hour per account.
( 714USD x (5 x 5 ) x (2 )) = 35700USD half- hour all accounts.
By trading day = 7:00 ( 7:00 35700 USD x ) = $ 249,900 per day.
By trading 5 days a week = ( 249900 USD x 5 days) = 1 249500USD .


Semenal 6!
500000USD divide by 2 times the method = 250,000 usd
250000USD divided by 5 times 5 times same platform account = 10000 USD
With an authorization 10000 USD = 1000 USD per trade
By ( x 1000USD successful trade 6 ) + ( 6 x 7000USD trade gain ) = 48700USD gain per half-hour , per account .
( 48700USD x (5 x 5 ) x (2 )) = 2 435000USD half- hour all accounts.
7:00 by trading day = ( 2 x 7 hours 435000 USD ) 17 = $ 045 000 per day.
By trading 5 days a week = ( 17045000USD x 5 days) = 85225000USD .



Semenal 7 !
50000000USD divide by 2 times the method = 25000000 usd
25000000USD divided by 5 times 5 times same platform account = 1000000 USD
With authorization 2500000USD = 250000 USD per trade
By ( x 3trade successful 250000USD ) + ( gain 3trade 25000USD x 70 % ) = 1225000USD gain per half-hour , per account .
( 1225000USD x (5 x 5 ) x (2 )) = 61250000USD half- hour all accounts.
By trading day = 7:00 ( 7:00 61250000 USD x ) = $ 428,750,000 per day.
By trading 5 days a week = ( 428750000USD x 5 days) = 2,143,750 000USD


Usate of my affiliation domains for todo your investment :


From Binary Tilt :




Trading program who necessit a Trader Robot or one team of 50 persons


Step 1: 

1 250 000 $ 000.00 / 2 =

625 000 000.00$ / (5x5) = 

((6 x 999 999.00$) + (6x70% 999 999.00$)) = 10 199 989.00 $

((10 199989.00$ x2) x (5x5)) = 509 999 450.00 $

7 Hours: 509999 450.00 $x 7 = 3569 996 150.00 $

10 Days: 3569996 150.00 $ x 10 = 35799961 500.00 $

35 799 961 500.00$ / (1personne) = (5 people) 178 999 807 500.00 $ / (10 Days)

2nd Step: 

120500000 000.00 $/ The savings and Financial investments. 

Stage 3: 

Step1 x (10 persons) = 1789 998 075 000.00 $ / (10 days) 

Step 4: 

Etape3 x (100Personnes) = 1789 999 807 500 000.00 $ / (10 days) 

(40 Days = 1789 999 807 500 000.00 $ ) 

25% of net total business average = 447499951500000.00$ / (40 days).


Usate of my affiliation domains for todo your investment :

For GtOption


For uBinary


For Option Rally



(Totally right marketing reserved to Mister Bouroubey Mohamed)

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